
Thank you very much for visiting our blog. We hope that you enjoy your time scrolling through the sensible and the nonsensible. Feel free to comment on anything that you would like. We try to keep it updated as much as possible but sometimes things get a little busy and the blog is a lot of times the first thing to go.

Monday, April 1, 2013


Monday, August 13, 2012


Seeing it has been around 4 months since I last posted something on blogger I figured now might be a good time to do so!! The reason I haven't posted anything in the last 4 months is not cause my life has been busy, but rather cause there just has not been anything happening so there was nothing for me to blog about!! Ok, so maybe that is not the case either. The true reason for me not blogging in the last 4 months is...cause I'm lazy!! A lot has changed in the last four months, like my life. I have graduated and will soon be moving to bigger and better things, but this post is not about me! This post is suppose to be about this little known app called instagram. It is one of the cooler apps I have on my phone, besides iMessaging, cause it helps me be in contact with the world without consulting that dreadful website called facebook! The sad fact about instagram is that it is owned by Facebook....not good!! If you are not currently on instagram and have an electronic to be able to join the club of people that do have instagram, I suggest that you hurry up and get on instagram cause of its awesomeness!! If you are on instagram but are not currently following me, what are you waiting for?! You can follow me at "starrman94". It should be a great time if you start following me...cause I love followers!!:)

Friday, April 6, 2012

The New Family Member

Well, I figured it was about time that we made the announcement of our new family member!! It was brought into our family sometime in march, can\'t remember the precise date! She is prolly around 10 pounds, and is really cute! Her name is Sugar, without further ado...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

What is up world?!

I decided that it might would be a good time to check in with you all and decided that today was a good time! So yeah we are all still alive, Jared decided to go on a road trip with his new car, and we are finally in our new house!! Speaking of such, I should get you all pictures of those! It might take me a couple weeks to get you these picture because we don't have wifi at our house yet. Right now we are at District Conference and there is going to be a quiz tournament this weekend. So yeah, that should pretty much catch us up on our life!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Nativity Scene

 One day I was staring at this little setup under the coffee table in our living room, trying to figure out what it was.  Then something clicked, somehow, someway my brain started working normally and I realized what exactly this was that I was looking at.  Of course, it would be a nativity scene.  You see Mary and Joseph sleeping over a crib, we are assuming that baby Jesus is in this crib, and you are also able to see some animals. The shepherds have not quite arrived yet, but it is still a few days before Christmas so they still have time to get there.  My sister was very creative in this setup, she was also biblical.  The shepherds may have not arrived yet but neither have the wise men.  In the setup you see above the wise men will never arrive.  One day while my dad was teaching or preaching she heard my dad make reference to the wise men not really being at the stable that Jesus was born in.  A lot of nativity scenes are setup with the wise men being there.  But for those that would have looked close at the scriptures they will have realized this tidbit.  Now I am sure that a lot of the people reading this blog are part of the upper echelon that realize that, but now you can count yourself reminded.
Sadly, this is what the nativity scene looks like right above
the one Jessica created.  But still, the shepherds are not there.
And there is one drunk wise man facing away from Jesus
and worshiping the ground. Hmmm...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Words With Friends

 As your chance to vote in the poll ends here pretty soon.  I figured I should write my post concerning it now instead of at midnight and risk the chance of getting fired tomorrow for being to sleepy and lackadaisical at work.  As of now, it looks like we got some great results from the poll...all of four votes.  Well, thank you to all the followers that did vote and to you that didn't...try a little harder next time to make a decision.  It really can't be all that hard to make a decision on a multiple choice problem.  To the people out there that has not been made aware of what Words with Friends is here, I shall explain and hopefully help you understand.  Words with Friends is a game that helps people to interact socially.  Some of you are saying "How exactly does that happen?".  Well it helps you use your brain with other people, potentially, around the world.  It also helps bring back an educational game to a generation that does not heed much attention to education.  Because of this game we will probably see one of the more educated and literate generations than America and the world has ever seen.  It really is a great game.  There is one problem with the game you have to have a device powered by either and android or mac operating system.  If you don't have either of those operating systems at your convenience than you have two other options...one of them would be using facebook because there is a way that you can play the game through that particular social-networking site.  There is also another option and that would be downloading the android operating system onto your computer, I am guessing that most of you that are reading this blog would rather pass up on that option...which I don't blame you for doing such a thing.  There is one more option, this one is probably the most complicated of them all...I tried to do it and FAILED!  Yeah, it was a sad day.  This option is loading bluestacks onto your Windows 7 computer.  Anyway, Words with Friends is a great game.  If you want to know my username give me an email at starrjon43@yahoo.com and I will fill you in.  If you don't have email then leave a comment in the comments section and I just might fill you and the rest of the world in on the big news.  Well, I guess that is enough of me rambling...

Monday, November 28, 2011


  So what do you get when I am baking in the kitchen?  Evidently, some awfully burnt cookies.  Yes, Sunday night I really felt like making some cookie dough so I could conquer my sweet tooth (where that saying came from I don't know...it don't make much sense when you think about it).  The cookie dough was great, I just had a problem switching the cookie dough to edible cookies.  They turned out more like hockey pucks...or if you must buffalo chips.  They were hard and not all that great tasting.  The good news is that, after burning two dozen cookies, I finally solved the problem and there turned out to be some half decent cookies.  I guess that is just another reason to stay out of the kitchen...