
Thank you very much for visiting our blog. We hope that you enjoy your time scrolling through the sensible and the nonsensible. Feel free to comment on anything that you would like. We try to keep it updated as much as possible but sometimes things get a little busy and the blog is a lot of times the first thing to go.

Monday, August 13, 2012


Seeing it has been around 4 months since I last posted something on blogger I figured now might be a good time to do so!! The reason I haven't posted anything in the last 4 months is not cause my life has been busy, but rather cause there just has not been anything happening so there was nothing for me to blog about!! Ok, so maybe that is not the case either. The true reason for me not blogging in the last 4 months is...cause I'm lazy!! A lot has changed in the last four months, like my life. I have graduated and will soon be moving to bigger and better things, but this post is not about me! This post is suppose to be about this little known app called instagram. It is one of the cooler apps I have on my phone, besides iMessaging, cause it helps me be in contact with the world without consulting that dreadful website called facebook! The sad fact about instagram is that it is owned by Facebook....not good!! If you are not currently on instagram and have an electronic to be able to join the club of people that do have instagram, I suggest that you hurry up and get on instagram cause of its awesomeness!! If you are on instagram but are not currently following me, what are you waiting for?! You can follow me at "starrman94". It should be a great time if you start following me...cause I love followers!!:)