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Monday, June 20, 2011

6/20 Flood Watch

  Well, it looks as though we may just be in the middle of another flood watch.  From my understanding, there is a higher chance that the flood will happen this time.  Last time we had one of these just a couple of zones in Minot was under mandatory evacuation, this time nine zones in Minot are under mandatory evacuation.  We are hoping and praying that everything will be fine once again, but at the same time we have to stay in reality.  We are having a lot of this trouble because of the Canadians.  They don't feel like flooding so they send their water our way and we can't really do anything with it.  But the Lord would suggest to love them anyway.  The city of Minot is raising the dikes three feet higher to combat against the water that Canada was originally plannig on releasing, but now them Canadians have it in mind to release double the amount of water.  The rain has not been going away so this has been adding to their trouble.  Hoepfully it will all work out in the end.

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