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Friday, September 9, 2011

Homemade Ice Cream

  I don't know how you all feel about ice cream, but I do know that I like the dairy product very much.  It helps me stay healthy and all that good stuff, so I believe that I should eat a cup or oversized bowl of ice cream a day.  Well, it just so happens that, in the past week, my parents decided to buy an ice cream maker.  The first batch of peach ice cream, well lets not begin to talk about that batch.  But ever since that first batch we have been having ice cream that would compare with the Tillamook Factory itself.  I would have a couple of pictures of the stuff but it dosen't stay around long enough for me to be able to take a pic, or simply I AM LAZY! But, yeah...the point of this post, uhhh, go to your local grocery store and get some ICE CREAM! But just remember that we can make the best chocolate ice cream with marshmellows or peanut butter, so in other words we make the best chocolate marshmellow ice cream and the best chocolate peanut butter ice cream.  Reason 101 to come to North Dakota for a visit!

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