
Thank you very much for visiting our blog. We hope that you enjoy your time scrolling through the sensible and the nonsensible. Feel free to comment on anything that you would like. We try to keep it updated as much as possible but sometimes things get a little busy and the blog is a lot of times the first thing to go.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Thank You!

  I know that I mentioned something about this in an earlier post, but this thought deserves a post of its own.  I want to say a HUGE "Thank You" from Jared and I for the graciousness that was displayed to us on our visit to Oregon.  We would like thank everyone that made our stay enjoyable and pleasant.  It was great seeing everyone again, and hope to do the same next year.  You are all a great family (and I think we might have a couple of friends too)!  Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.

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