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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

Hello everybody and how in the world are you anyway?  I stayed up till after midnight just so I could say that I was the first to wish you a happy turkey Thanksgiving Day. 

  Today I was at the store and couldn't help overhearing an employee telling someone happy turkey day.  Later I went to the lady and said "Happy Thanksgiving".  She stumbled over her words and finally said "you too".  This bothered me because shouldn't we be able to say "Happy Thanksgiving".  Aren't we thankful that the Pilgrims came over to the "New World" and eventually started America?  Aren't we thankful that we live in a some what free country?  Aren't we thankful that we have a roof over our head this thanksgiving and a turkey to eat?   After mulling over these questions I came to my conclusion, you can actually find it in the Bible.  In Psalm 106:1 you will find the words "O give thanks unto the Lord".  I challenge you that for this one day in the year 2009 you be thankful no matter the circumstance.  When it comes down to it you probably don't deserve to be where you are but the Lord has been merciful to you and has put you in your circumstance for a reason.  So I challenge you, in everything give thanks.


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