
Thank you very much for visiting our blog. We hope that you enjoy your time scrolling through the sensible and the nonsensible. Feel free to comment on anything that you would like. We try to keep it updated as much as possible but sometimes things get a little busy and the blog is a lot of times the first thing to go.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Around the House

  I am sorry about the long delay since my last post.  Things have been going on extremely fast we have had a trip to Grafton where my dad preached Sunday, a quiz tournament on Saturday, and on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday of last week and this week I have been taking a hunter education course.  Yea, I know I am taking it a little bit late in life but at least I am doing it.  We will have a lot to talk about this week.  I don't believe I will have any pictures in this post, so if that is what you were looking for you can go on to the next website you were planning on looking at.

  This Saturday we had an extremely competitive quiz tournament.  Jared and I were on different teams this tournament which really made things interesting.  Ashton and London from Bismarck joined teams.  It turned out to be Bismark's best team versus Minot split up.  Jared's team beat my team the first game, then his team lost to Bismarck.  In the loser's bracket my team beat Jared's team and then it was time for another Minot versus Bismark face-off.  My team won the first game and then lost the second game in a heart breaker on question 19. Jared and I were both on the all-tournament team. Jared took first with around 115 ppq and I took third with around 62 ppq.  Jared and I knew our material pretty good.  Pretty soon it will be time for us to really dig deep into our charting.  We are pursuing the first place trophy at finals so we will have the opportunity to go to nationals and hopefully have a lot of success. 

  This weekend, pretty much as soon as the tournament was over, headed east to go to Grafton.  It was a quick trip and helped my geography of North Dakota if nothing else.   We got down there Saturday night, my dad preached Sunday morning, and then we headed back on Monday.  I guess you may not call it all that quick of a trip, but it was definitely packed.  My dad preached about how we need to have an attitude of change in our life.  We cannot have the attitude of leave me alone, but we should have the attitude of God change whatever needs to be changed in my life.  We spent the evening with Charlie Pearson and his family, which pastor the church there in Grafton.  On the way home we managed to spend around two hours in a small little town of Devils Lake.  If you told that to someone in North Dakota they would really want to know what we did in order to spend that much time there.  It really wasn't all that bad, I was catching up on some studying I had to do for the Hunter Education Course, needless to say it flew by pretty fast.

  I don't think we really need to talk that much about my Hunter Education Course that I am taking.  It is a little bit more work than I was expecting, but I think that, that is partly due to the fact that I am spending three hours three nights a week listening to someone try to bore you as much as possible.  If someone called it fun, I would wonder what was wrong with them.  The first thing I would do for them would set them up with a psychiatrist.  I would have the doctor figure out what was wrong with the persons brain, then I would do anything possible to help them (almost).  After that I would pray that God would do a miracle in their life.  I think that there would probably be no other way for them to get better. 

  On Friday our home school groups got together and we toured the Scandinavian Heritage Park (or something like that).  It was actually half interesting.  The coolest part of the tour was when we went to this place that was a U.  It had seating all the way around the U.  When you stood in the middle of the U you could talk directly at the closed part of the U and your voice would magnify when it came back at you.  The acoustics were amazing.  It was very cool. 

 Thanks for suffering through all of this jumble.  I hope you found it half interesting and not very time consuming.  I also hope that you have a great week.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Extravaganza Recapitulation

Sorry about not updating the blog on Saturday, but I was so disgusted after that tournament it was not even funny.  It turns out that the experienced team took T7th while the intermediate team took T5th.  A girl from our intermediate team named Natalie took fifth on the all-tournament team with 62 ppq, while I took T5th on the all-tournament team with 47.5 ppq.  We had a great trip and ended up going to an amusement park on Saturday after quizzing.  I actually went on all the rides that everyone else went on.  You guys may not be surprised but this was a great step as far as roller coasters for me.  We started home on Sunday and got back to Minot around 11:30.  The trip home was a lot of fun and now it is time to get ready for our next tournament which will be taking place on Saturday in minot.  About the actual tournament, we lost that heartbreaker on Thursday night.  On Friday we had to wait five quizzes after lunch which ended up taking a toll on us.  We beat Bismarck and then ended up losing to Denver 1 which was a somewhat close game.  We had a chance to win the quiz going into the 30 pointers but soon after that they iced the quiz.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Extravaganza Day 2

Yesterday we won our first quiz, but lost a heartbreaker in our second.  The first quiz I quizzed our on question 10 and Jared had a 100 points.  The second quiz on question 12 we were up 140-0, but it is then that things fell apart.  The next five question we hit we got incorrect and on question 20 Jared forgot to say John and we ended up losing that quiz.  Today we are hoping and will receive better results.  Stay tuned!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Extravaganza Trip Day 1

4:30 pm - We have been around the town and have visited our quiz cards.  In thirty minutes it will be time for us to start the quiz tournament.  In any time we will be leaving the hotel and heading for the church.  Right now I am tired but am going to try to rest up right before the trip.  I have to go again.

We got into Kansas City, Mo. late last night.  We were very tired and therefore was not able to update the blog.  Today we have quizzing starting at five o'clock, I am a little bit nervous.  I literally have to go right now.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Around the House

Sorry for not being on time with this post, but here it is. 

  This week in "Around the House" we will again talk about the weather, quizzing, and hopefully a couple of other things that are more interesting.

  Yesterday was our big day in quizzing.  It is actually the main reason why I delayed this post.  Jared and I were tested to find out whether or not we would make the team and have the opportunity to participate in the extravaganza that will be taking place in Kansas City, Missouri.  It turns out that both of us were able to dig into our bag of tricks and pull out something that the coaches liked.  We will be leaving next Wednesday which will cause me not to be able to do the "Around the House" post. 

  The weather definitely is turning towards springtime.  Matter in fact it is spring.  I don't feel any threat of snow.  I am more worried of a world wide war (WWW) than snow in North Dakota right now.  In reality I don't feel a threat of a WWW. 

  My parents left today and are heading a little bit to the south and a little bit the east to preach a couple of services down in Valley City. 

  There really hasn't been anything that interesting going on over the past week.  Easter Sunday would probably rank up there with the best of the things.  Our church had a great drama performed by Jason Sletten and Tom April.  I did not take any pictures of them because they turned the lighting way down low so you couldn't get any good pictures.  Quizzing would be up there also.  Monday night I stayed up until 1 am, Tuesday until 3 am, and Wednesday until 1 am so that I would be ready for the quiz practice.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

  I am happy that Easter is here and that we will be able to celebrate our risen Savior.  He is a great God and I am very thankful to for all that he has done.  I hope everyone will be able to have a happy Easter in the year 2010!