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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Recapitulation Time

  Last Saturday, we had our second quiz tournament of the year.  Our high expectations took a hit right away with a small gaffe.  We were not able to recover and we lost our first quiz to Bismarck 1.  We beat Bismarck 2 and then we had our second encounter of the day with Bismarck 1.  This quiz I blew in the 30 point questions and it is officially history.  The all-tournament team consisted of three quizzers.  Receiving the first place ribbon was London Pace with 106.6 ppq, second place was yours truly with 103.3 ppq, and third on the all-tournament team was Alyssa Chuppe with around 50 ppq (if I remember right).  We have had a rough start but we are looking to finish strong.

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