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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bible Quizzing

  Today we had our quote day amidst thunder storms and rain.  Not literally in the midst of it, we were inside the church.  I passed in weird yet lovely fashion.  I was through chapter 16 when my coach told me that I did not have to quote anymore.  Come to find out he was under the wrong impression and I should have quoted through the rest of the chapters.  Thankfully I did not have to and I made the team.  We will be having finals on Saturday and I will probably be forced to post the results on Sunday.  Hopefully things will go as planned.


Anonymous said...

We had a tornado over here in MN while you were having your storms, two people died from it.


Anonymous said...

I think that we had a couple of funnel clouds in Grand Forks. I don't know if any of them hit the ground