
Thank you very much for visiting our blog. We hope that you enjoy your time scrolling through the sensible and the nonsensible. Feel free to comment on anything that you would like. We try to keep it updated as much as possible but sometimes things get a little busy and the blog is a lot of times the first thing to go.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Checking In

We have left Oregon and are lodging in Long Beach, Washington.  No need to worry, or maybe you should, we will be going back to Oregon.  Tomorrow we will make the trek back to Hubbard and will await the family reunion.  We went Seaside today but were not able to get a motel at Seaside or Astoria so we had to head over the bridge and go to Long Beach. Tomorrow will require a lot of driving but we will eventually get to Hubbard.  See you all later.

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