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Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

  Thing morning I got up around 3:30 am (the sun is not yet up) to go shopping at the mall and Best Buy.  I stood in the cold and the Best Buy line for around ten minutes.  I jumped on the wonderful opportunity to get my name out there by getting interviewed by two college students who were bored just like me.  After walking around the wall for many hours I began to become slightly delirious.  I had the wonderful idea to walk up to a random person in the mall and ask them the wonderful question of "You look familiar, I think I know you" they would always reply "You don't look familiar" and I would be like "I think I saw you at Disney Land" and they would be like "probably not" and then I would say "My bad" and walk away.  Some of you probably thought that I was joking when I said that I tried to cause trouble on Black Friday, you are wrong.  Another time we were standing in line in Scheels and the lady behind got on her phone and started to talking to her mom.  She said that she ddn't know what to buy of something and so they bought one of each.  She also said that they maxed our their credit cards and had to start using other people's.  Garret and I got the brilliant ideas to get on our phones and act like we were talking on the phone to our moms.  What we talked to our moms about was supposed to be funny and for entertainmnet purposes only.  Eventually, I made it home, read my book and then I CRASHED.  Now I am alive again and trying to cause some other trouble.  Hope you all got in the spirit and had a great time shopping on Black Friday.

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