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Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

  Sorry about not posting and telling you all Happy Turkey Day (there are certain restrictions on this blog and I am not allowed to say that other term) (Just Joking).  I stayed up until around 5:30 and welcomed in the great day with a smile.  Preston and Garret Pearson were over at our house and spent the night.  We had a great time.  We woke up for a great "Thanksgiving" (Excuse me) Breakfast around 11:00 am which consisted of potatoes, french toast, pumpkin scones, syrup, utensils to eat the food, and that was about it.  At around 4:00 o'clock we went over to the elder Pearson's house and enjoyed a great Thanksgiving Dinner.  After we left the Pearsons's house we searched around town for a Thanksgiving Day Newspaper and were unsuccessful.  The whole Pearson family receives a big shout-out on the world renown blog for giving us an invite to their house to enjoy a great Thanksgiving Dinner.  What made it even better was the fact that they did serve Ham which would almost account for them worthy to receive a double shout-out.  Pigs are much bettter than turkies in my world.  I have a million dollar question with no reward.  Why in the world is Thanksgiving Day called Turkey Day and Christmas is called X-mas or such but Black Friday is not called "day you wake up early in the morning and spend lots of money and are really tired" Day.  Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

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