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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's Here

I am obviously not talking about Christmas for that is still a day and a half away.  I couldn't be talking about Christmas Eve because that is half a day away.  I could be talking about December 23rd, but I am not.  How about the mailman?  Well he just left a couple of seconds ago, so I could have been talking about him.  But with a logical conclusion I am not.  Has anyone seen the news headlines lately?  They probably said that snowstorms were hitting the west and the mid-west.  To all of you out west, even though North Dakota is east of you we are still in the mid-west.  Matter in fact here is a link to the article that I saw on the front page of Yahoo.  For us in North Dakota it has arrived and will keep on arriving.  It is sort of like the gift that keeps on giving.  Once the snow starts to melt then we get flood, TERRIFIC!  Or maybe I should say horrific, I don't know.  But none the less I braved the snowstorms and took a couple of pictures which may not excite you at all.  Here they are

These are deer footprints in the snow

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