
Thank you very much for visiting our blog. We hope that you enjoy your time scrolling through the sensible and the nonsensible. Feel free to comment on anything that you would like. We try to keep it updated as much as possible but sometimes things get a little busy and the blog is a lot of times the first thing to go.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Since last time I posted things got a little bit out of control.  First, there was nothing to blog about.  Then there was Jessica's Birthday, but nearly immediately following that there was District Conference.  We got back from District Conference went to church Sunday and when we got back we learned that our internet was down.  We just got back our internet today but I am leaving.  Today Jared and I are heading east to go to the North Central extravaganza in a particular place called Moline, Illinois.  Now before you get an idea that perhaps just me and Jared are going to Moline please remember that our Quiz coach (Vaughn Pearson) his wife and Garret and Clarissa and Guy are also going.  Just a thought.  Hopefully I will be able to post something interesting while I am gone.

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