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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mall of America

During our long layover we had the opportunity to go to the Mall of America.  We enjoyed our time there.  We all had the fantastic privilege to go to the American Girl shop.  We spent a few days there (the American Girl shop) and eventually a some food there.  We left (the American Girl shop) and walked our legs off.  I think that is probably all I can say about the Mall of America.  I could go into detail about everything we bought there but that would be greatly personal.  I might be able to throw some pictures on the blog at a later time.


Cheri Witmer said...

Reading all this makes me miss you guys even more...wish I could have made it and seen you all...

Unknown said...

Reading this, specifically about describing things you bought being "personal", makes me wonder if Jonathan bought an American Girl dolly!